Jerry Labrum (b, 28/11/1938 - d. 12/3/2012) see: Paul Revere And The Raiders
Eddie Lace see: Shevells
Dave Lacey see: Dave Lacey And The Corvettes
Pat Lacey (b. 1945) see: Kingpins
Tom Ladd (b. 1940) see: Syndicats
Lady Lee (b. 14/2/1937 - d. 24/2/2022) see: Lady Lee
Hans La Faille (b. 21/8/1946) see: Cuby + Blizzards
David La Flamme (b. 4/5/1941 - d. 6/8/2023) see: It's A Beautiful Day
Linda La Flamme (b. 9/5/1947 - d. 23/10/2024) see: It's A Beautiful Day
Steven Lagana see: Fields
Steve Lage (b. 15/8/1947 - d. 25/7/2010) see: Savage Resurrection
John La Grand (b. 27/3/1947 - d. 30/6/2005) see: Livin' Blues
Nick La Grec see: Roadrunners
Kenny Laguna see: 1910 Fruitgum Co.
Leo Laherty see: Country Gentlemen/Little Frankie
Keith Lahteinen see: Ultimate Spinach
Denny Laine (b. 29/10/1944 - d. 5/12/2023) see: Denny Laine/Moody Blues
Linda Laine (b. 9/6/1944) see: Linda Laine With The Sinners/Sinners
Mark Laird see: Gracious
Michael Laird see: Shirley & Dolly Collins
Peter Laird see: Dave Davani And The D-Men
Brian Lake see: Double Feature
J. Kevin Lally see: Mandrake Memorial
Bob Lamb see: Locomotive/Tea And Symphony
Eddy Lamb see: Score
John(ny) Lamb see: Syndicats/Worrying Kynde
Dave Lambert (b. 8/3/1949) see: Fire
John Kenneth Lambert see: Pollution
Phil Lambeth see: Nova Local
Martin Lamble (b. 28/8/1949 - d. 12/5/1969) see: Fairport Convention
Lambourn see: Corsairs
Bonnie Lamdin see: Peppermint Rainbow
Patty Lamdin see: Peppermint Rainbow
Robert Lamm (b. 13/10/1944) see: Chicago
Duncan Lamont see: Alasdair Clayre
Michael Lamont see: Group Therapy
Graham Lampshire (b. 23/2/1946) see: Chicago Line
Phil Lancaster (b. 25/12/1942) see: David Bowie/Davy Jones
Steven Lancaster see: Steven Lancaster
Ted Lancaster see: Katz
Judd Lander see: Selofane
Rick Lander see: Five Cards Stud
Barry Landeman (b. 25/10/1947) see: Kippington Lodge/Vanity Fare
Rob Landes (b. 24/8/1946) see: Fever Tree
Mark Landon see: Music Machine
Neil Landon (b. 26/7/1941 - d. 26/3/2020) see: Fat Mattress/Flower Pot Men/Friends/Ivy League/Neil Landon
Norman Landsberg see: Mountain/Leslie West
Billy Lane see: Serendipity
David Lane (b. 26/1/1941) see: Ramblers
Ernest Lane see: Canned Heat
Gary Lane (b. 13/9/1938 - d. 5/11/2014) see: Standells
Robin Lane see: Neil Young
Tony Lane see: Tony Lane And The Deltones
Billie Laney see: One, Two And Three/Sam's Friends
Bob Lang (b. 10/1/1946) see: Wayne Fontana And The Mindbenders/Mindbenders
Mike Lang see: Maffitt - Davies/Frank Zappa
Paul Langer (d. 16/12/2011) see: Peppermint Circus
Trevor Langham see: Pat Wayne
Jerry Langley see: Jerry Langley/Langleys
Trevor 'Ank' Langley (b. 1946) see: Purple Gang
Dennis Langmead see: Mountain Men
Stuart Langridge see: Classmates
Bruce Langsman (b. 11/4/1948) see: Shakey Vick
James Langston see: Tea And Symphony
Steve Langston see: George Paul Jefferson
Barry Langtree (b. 1945) see: Lancastrians
Dennis Lanigan see: Front Line
Norma Jean Lannigan see: Wayne Faro's Schmaltz Band
Ann 'Honey' Lantree (b. 28/8/1943 - d. 23/12/2018) see: Honeycombs
John Lantree (b. 20/8/1940) see: Honeycombs
Phil Lanzon (b. 23/3/1950) see: Cats Pyjamas
Peter Lapper (b. 10/11/1939) see: Discs
Dennis Larden (b. 22/11/1948) see: Every Mothers' Son
Lary Larden (b. 10/8/1945) see: Every Mothers' Son
Drew Larg (b. 1/1/1944) see: Vikings
Tim Large (b. 14/7/1942) see: Dave Anthony's Moods
Johnny Larke see: Peter Jay And The Jaywalkers/Terry Reid
Charles Larkey see: Fugs
John Larkin see: A Taste Of Honey
Rex Larsen see: Front Line
Schuyler Larsen (b. 19/2/1947 - d. 19/12/2021) see: Every Mothers' Son
Joel Larson (b. 29/4/1947) see: Grass Roots
Conny Larsson see: "14"
Kenneth Larsson see: "14"
Lasse Larsson see: Jackpots
Dave Lashmar see: Dead Sea Fruit
Mike Lassando see: Tea Company
Mel Lastie see: Rascals
Malcolm Latham see: Bubblegum/Deuce Coup
Gene Latter see: Detours/Gene Latter
Ken Lauber see: Area Code 615
Alan Laud (b. 13/3/1946) see: Hedgehoppers Anonymous/Pudding
Larry Laufer see: Crazy Elephant
Danny Lauffer see: Even Dozen Jug Band
Frank Laurella see: Amalgamation
Chris Laurence (b. 6/1/1949) see: Gordon Giltrap/Frank Ricotti Quartet
Jack Lauritsen see: Fallen Angels
Jozsef Laux (b. 8/5/1943 - d. 6/8/2016) see: Omega Red Star
Patrick Lavelle see: Mike Raynor And The Condors/Sky
Shorty Lavender see: Mother Earth
Roger LaVern (Roger Jackson) (b. 11/11/1938 - d. 15/6/2013) see: Gemini'
Doug Lavery see: Questions
Bobby Lavigne see: Aches 'N' Pains
Trevor Lawes see: Gonks
Keith Lawless (b. 1946) see: High Society/Ivans Meads
Linda Lawley (b. 18/4/1949 - d. 24/11/2007) see: Eternity's Children
Claire Lawrence see: Collectors
John Lawrence see: Four Kingsmen
Ken Lawrence (b. 5/10/1946) see: Four + One/In Crowd
Simon Lawrence see: Blonde On Blonde
Steve Lawrence see: Ever-Green Blues
Tony Lawrence see: Incrowd
Trevor Lawrence see: Butterfield Blues Band
Billy M. Lawrie see: Billy M. Lawrie
Richard Laws see: Couriers
Robin Laws see: Edwick Rumbold/Free Ferry
Gary Lawson see: Cast Of Thousands
Steve Lawson see: Promise
Al Lax see: Glitterhouse
Sam Lay see: Butterfield Blues Band
George Layfield see: Bob Brady And The Con Chords
Ossie Layne see: Ossie Layne
Gerry Layton (b. 28/8/1944) see: Outer Limits
Paul Layton see: Paul Layton
Rita Layzell see: Termites
Tina Layzell see: Termites
Clive Lea (b. 16/2/1942 - d. 9/5/2021) see: Rockin' Berries
John Leach see: Harvey Andrews
Mike Leach see: Dusty Springfield
John Leadhen see: Head Machine
Bernie Leadon (b. 19/7/1947) see: Dillard & Clark/Hearts And Flowers
Phil Leaford see: Committee
Ronald Leahy (b. 4/10/1947) see: Trash
Mike Leander see: Marquis Of Kensington
Bob Leaper see: Jimmy Powell
Kevin Lear see: Gnomes Of Zurich/Kevin 'King' Lear
S. P. Leary (b. 6/6/1930 - d. 26/1/1998) see: Otis Spann
Vinny Leary see: Fugs
Don Leather see: Messengers
Shine Leather see: Messengers
Phil Leavesley see: Gemini'
Derek 'Lek' Leckenby (b. 14/5/1943 - d. 4/6/1994) see: Herman's Hermits
Robin Lecore see: Rats
Lane Lederer see: Pearls Before Swine
Roy Ledger see: Sheffields
Albert Lee (b. 21/12/1943) see: Black Claw/Joe Cocker/Little Joe Cook/Country Fever/Chris Farlowe/Gingerbread/Alan Hull/Poet And The One Man Band
Alvin Lee (b. 19/12/1944 - d. 6/3/2013) see: Ten Years After
Arthur Lee (b. 7/3/1945 - d. 3/8/2006) see: Love
Barry Lee see: Barry Lee Show
Bernard Lee see: Persuasions/Wackers
Bill Lee see: Gordon Lightfoot
Bob Lee see: Wards Of Court
Christine Lee (b. 17/6/1943) see: Beat-Chics
Clem Lee (d. 12/2004) see: Life 'N' Soul/Score
Dave Lee see: Dave Lee And The Staggerlees
Eric Lee see: Aces
Freddie "Fingers" Lee (b. 24/11/1937 - d. 13/1/2014) see: At Last The 1958 Rock And Roll Show/Charlie Woolfe/"Fingers" Lee/Raving Savages/Screaming Lord Sutch
Freddy Lee see: Sandcastles
Ian Lee see: Blueberries
John Lee (d. 20/2/2015) see: Golden Crusaders
John Lee (b. 30/6/1943 - d. 27/5/2017) see: John Lee's Groundhogs
Oli Lee see: Scholars
Ric Lee (b. 20/10/1945) see: Ten Years After
Richard Lee see: Shirley & Dolly Collins
Rod Lee see: Amboy Dukes
Terry Lee see: Dearly Beloveds
Tony Lee see: Dave Lee And The Staggerlees
Will Lee see: Bob Dylan
Dave Leech (b. 11/1/1947) see: Lemon Line
Gary Leeds (b. 3/9/1944) see: McGough & McGear/Gary Walker
Peter Leeds see: Wind In The Willows
Josje Leeger see: Fool
Ken Leeman see: End
Mark Leeman (b. 24/4/1941 - d. 27/6/1965) see: Mark Leeman 5
Ian Lees see: Finders Keepers
Jeff Lees see: Barley Bree/Factotums
John Lees (b. 13/1/1947) see: Barclay James Harvest
Marc Lees see: Richard And The Young Lions
Dick Lee-Smith see: Web
Trevor Leeson see: Dawn And The Dee Jays/Gingerbread
Sam Lee-Uff (b. 30/12/1950) see: Arzachel
Brian Le Gassick see: Staccatos
Andy Legg see: Four Kingsmen
Archie Leggatt (d. 7/1994) see: Bobby Patrick Big Six
Dave Legge (b. 1947 - d. 16/1/2012) see: Ways And Means
Brian 'Bozz' Leggett (b. 1939) see: Linda Doll With The Sundowners/Sundowners
David LeGood see: Strawberry Jam
John Lehr see: Peter Kelley
Andy Leigh (b. 28/4/1947) see: Gary Farr/Spooky Tooth
Ian Leighton (b. 17/6/1944) see: Tony Jackson/Medium
Donovan Leitch (b. 10/5/1946) see: Donovan
Paul Leka see: Steam
Jim Lekas see: Quatrain
Tom Lemanczyk see: Citations
Grape Lemon see: Joyride
Paul Lenart see: Far Cry
Mike Lendell see: Attack
John Lennon (b. 9/10/1940 - d. 8/12/1980) see: Beatles/John Lennon/Musketeer Gripweed/Tony Sheridan
Davie Lennox (b. 1948) see: Beatstalkers
Mike Lennox (b. 27/4/1940 - d. 9/2020) see: Mike Lennox
Malcolm Lenny (b. 30/4/1942) see: Hi-Fi's
Van Lenton see: Van Lenton
Bob Leonard (b. 27/5/1945) see: Tiffany Shade
Roger 'Deke' Leonard (b. 18/12/1944 - d. 31/1/2017) see: Man
Peter Leopold (b. 15/8/1945 - d. 8/11/2006) see: Amon Duul II
Reg Leopold see: Cliff Aungier/Sounds Nice Featuring Tim Mycroft
Norman Leppard see: One
Joy Lesem see: Stony Brook People
Phil Lesh (b. 15/3/1940 - d. 25/10/2024) see: Grateful Dead
Ken Leslie see: Head Machine
Michael Leslie see: Michael Leslie
Sunny Leslie see: Joe Cocker/Hardin - York/Kool/N.S.U./Pacific Drift/Barry St. John/Stockingtops/Sue & Sunny/Sue & Sunshine
Al Lester see: Boz Scaggs
Neil LeVang see: Nilsson
Bill Le Vasseur see: Nova Local
Gerry Levene (b. 18/2/1944 - d. 19/12/2011) see: Hinge/Gerry Levene
James Leverton (b. 1946) see: Fat Mattress/Loving Kind
Bob Levey see: Outlaw Blues Band
Stan Levey see: Monkees
Drake Levin (b. 17/8/1946 - d. 4/7/2009) see: Joyride/Lee Michaels/Nilsson/Paul Revere And The Raiders
Geoff Levin see: People
Robbie Levin see: People
Marc Levine see: Stony Brook People
Neil Levine (b. 22/2/1946) see: Richard Kent Style
Russell Levine see: Ultimate Spinach
Lowell Levinger III (Banana) (b. 9/9/1944) see: Patrick Sky/Youngbloods
Mike Levy see: London And The Bridges
Stan Levy see: Actress
Jeff Lewington see: John L. Watson And The Hummelflugs
Alan Lewis see: Grant Tracy And The Sunsets
Billy Lewis see: Monkees
Cappy Lewis see: Nilsson
Carroll Lewis see: Nilsson
Dave Lewis (b. 1951) see: Andwellas Dream
Dave Lewis see: Nothings
Debbie Lewis see: Mercy
Doug Lewis see: Peppermint Rainbow
Gary Lewis see: Bo Street Runners
Howard 'Red' Lewis see: Dictators With Tony And Howard/Tony And Howard With The Dictators
Jeff Lewis see: Cheatin' Hearts
Jennifer Lewis see: Jennifer Lewis And Angela Strange
Jessie C. Lewis see: Walter 'Shakey' Horton
Jimmy Lewis see: John Hammond
Ken Lewis (b. 3/12/1942 - d. 2/8/2015) see: Jeff Beck/Dave Berry/Carter, Lewis/Joe Cocker/Dawn Chorus/Lesley Duncan/Flower Pot Men/Haystack/Ivy League/
Particular People/Roaring 60's
Particular People/Roaring 60's
Kenny Lewis see: Shell
Linda Lewis (b. 27/9/1950 - d. 3/5/2023) see: Linda Lewis
Margo Lewis see: Goldie
Peter Lewis (b. 15/7/1945) see: Moby Grape
Phillippa Lewis see: Phillippa Lewis
Randy Lewis see: Tongue And Groove Featuring Lynn Hughes
Richard Lewis see: Pollution
Roy Lewis see: Shell
Travis Lewis see: Lewis And Clarke Expedition
Trevor Lewis see: Shevells
Tino Licinio (d. 18/11/2008) see: Actress
Dave Lickman see: Rae Vince And The Vincents
Mike Liddell see: Eccentric's
Jaki Liebezeit see: Can
John Lieto see: Guru's
Leo Lietz (b. 31/12/1943) see: Lords
J. J. Light see: J. J. Light
Gordon Lightfoot (b. 17/11/1938 - d. 1/5/2023) see: Gordon Lightfoot
Don Lill see: Majority/Barry Ryan
Marvin Limonick see: Monkees
Gordon Lincoln see: Jynx
Jean Lincoln see: Jeannie And Her Redheads
Philamore Lincoln (b. 20/10/1940) see: Julian Covey And The Machine/Philamore Lincoln
Jon Lind see: Fifth Avenue Band
Torgny Lind see: "14"
Linda see: Gary Farr
Daddy Lindberg (b. 1/12/1946) see: Daddy Lindberg
Al Linde see: Salvation
Art Lindon see: Amazing Friendly Apple
Buff Lindsay see: Quatrain
David Lindsay see: Four Sights
Mark Lindsay (b. 9/3/1942) see: Mark Lindsay/Paul Revere And The Raiders
Alan Lines see: Tony Sands And The Drumbeats
Philip Ling see: Four Squares
Peter Lingard see: Persimmon's Peculiar Shades
Buzz Linhart see: Buzz Linhart
Bosse Linnell see: Jackpots
Mike Linnell see: Mighty Avengers
Stuart Linnell see: Mal And The Primitives
Claude Lintott see: Harvey Matusow's Jews Harp Band
Linus see: Dr. Strangely Strange
Jon Lippincott see: Five Cards Stud
Fred Lipsius (b. 19/11/1944) see: Blood, Sweat And Tears/McCoys
Robert Lipson see: Gracious
Steve Lister see: Cordes
T Lister see: Brian Auger
James Litherland (b. 6/9/1949) see: Colosseum
Marion Litterscheid (b. 17/8/1943) see: Marion
Little Frankie see: Chimes/Little Frankie
Little Joe (d. 26/1/2015) see: Love Children (Featuring "Little Joe")
Carlo Little (b. 17/12/1938 - d. 6/8/2005) see: Circles/Cyril Davies/Gidian/Heavy Jelly/Soul Sounds/Screaming Lord Sutch/Universals
Dave Little see: Dave Lacey And The Corvettes
David Little (b. 13/5/1944) see: Chris Lamb And The Universals
Foggy Little see: Chris Lamb
Jane Little see: Underground Sunshine
Rob Little (b. 1944 - d. 5/5/2018) see: Denny Seyton
Roy Little (d. 2005) see: Blackwells
Russ Little see: Lighthouse
Frank Littleford see: Wolves
Graham Livermore (b. 1946 - d. 12/11/2013) see: Dave Anthony's Moods
Jed Livesey see: Gerry Lockran
Bernie Living see: Manfred Mann Chapter Three
Joe Livolsi see: David Stoughton
Dave 'Lilly' Lloyd see: Dave Peace Quartet
Fred Lloyd see: Fred Lloyd
Graham Lloyd see: Justin Hayward
John Lloyd see: Kirkbys/23rd Turnoff
Michael Lloyd see: Rubber Band
Pat Lloyd (b. 17/3/1948) see: Equals
Maurice Loban see: Savoy Brown
Rick Lober see: Amboy Dukes
Ron Lock see: Five And A Penny
Trevor Lock see: Amboy Dukes
Don Locke see: Ferris Wheel
John Locke (b. 25/9/1943 - d. 4/8/2006) see: Spirit
Brian Locking (b. 22/12/1938) see: Donovan
Gerry Lockran (b. 19/7/1942 - d. 17/11/1987) see: Gerry Lockran
Anna Lockwood see: Harvey Matusow's Jews Harp Band
Tony Lockwood (b. 1943) see: Sammy King And The Voltairs
Dave Lodge see: Writ
John Lodge (b. 23/3/1946) see: Junior's Eyes
John Lodge (b. 20/7/1942) see: John Bull Breed/Moody Blues
Terry Loeb see: 5 a.m. Event
Ed Logan see: Delaney And Bonnie
Mike Logan (b. 15/1/1947) see: Denny Seyton And The Sabres
Gary Loizzo (b. 16/8/1945 - d. 16/1/2016) see: American Breed
Billy Lombardo see: Aerovons
Mike Lombardo see: Aerovons
Sam Lombardo see: Ever-Green Blues
Les London see: Sunforest
Peter London see: Peter Cook/Peter London
London Bach Choir see: Rolling Stones
Dave Loney (b. 2/8/1940) see: Frank Kelly With The Hunters
Bob Long see: Majority/Barry Ryan
Dino Long see: Linn County
Ronnie Long see: Monkees
Tom Long see: Liberators/Pinkerton's
Vick Long see: Lemmings
Victor Long see: North Stars
Dave Longley see: Infantes Jubilate
Wilbert Longmire (b. 7/12/1940 - d. 3/1/2018) see: Jean-Luc Ponty
Jill Longstaff see: Colors Of Love
Steve Lonsdale see: Staccatos
Harry Lookofsky see: Blood, Sweat And Tears
Dick Lopes see: Spiral Starecase
Dennis Lopez see: Family Dogg/Richard Kent Style/Mood-Mosaic/P. J. Proby/Terry Smith/Sounds Nice Featuring Tim Mycroft
Richard Lopez (b. 18/5/1945 - d. 30/7/2010) see: Cannibal And The Headhunters
Tony Lopez see: Niteshades
Jon Lord (b. 9/6/1941 - d. 16/7/2012) see: Anan/Artwoods/Deep Purple/Leading Figures/St. Valentine's Day Massacre/Sun Dragon
Tony Lord see: Tony Lord
Dave Lorenz see: Mystic Number National Bank
Lorraine see: Emotions/West Point Supernatural
Gary Lorraine see: Chocolate Watch Band/Gary And Jan Lorraine
Jan Lorraine see: Gary And Jan Lorraine
Michael Losekamp (b. 8/9/1946) see: Cyrkle
Dann Lottermoser see: Deep Six
Lee Loughnane (b. 21/10/1946) see: Chicago/Three Dog Night
Allan Love (b. 1947) see: Opal Butterfly
Andrew Love see: Delaney And Bonnie/Sharon Tandy
Andy Love see: Pop Workshop
Christopher Love see: Christopher Love
Darlene Love see: Smokestack Lightnin'
Lilian Love see: Free
Mike Love (b. 15/3/1941) see: Beach Boys/Brian Wilson And Mike Love
Mike Love see: Uniques
Jimmy Lovelace see: Leonard Cohen
Bill Lovelady see: Pete Kelly's Soulution
Jez Loveland see: Untamed
Herb Lovelle (b. 1/6/1924 - d. 8/4/2009) see: Appletree Theatre/David Blue/Definitive Rock Chorale/Bob Dylan/Gordon Lightfoot/Monkees
Gary Lovetro see: Strawberry Alarm Clock
Rob Lovett see: Virgil Brothers
Brian Low see: Steve Aldo
Harry Lowe see: Emotions/West Point Supernatural
Jim Lowe see: Electric Prunes
John Lowe see: Stylos
Nick Lowe (b. 25/3/1949) see: Kippington Lodge
Roy Lowe see: Stylos
Tommy Lowe see: Globe Show/Chris Shakespeare Globe Show
Tony Lowe see: Stylos
Jimmy Lowery see: Blue Chips
Coy Lowhorne see: Thunderbirds
Henry Lowther (b. 11/7/1941) see: Marc Brierley/Jack Bruce/Keef Hartley/Locomotive/Manfred Mann/John Mayall/Wynder K. Frog
Dale Loyola see: Hook
Howard 'Lem' Lubin (b. 20/1/1944) see: Unit Four Plus Two
Bruce McPherson Lucas (b. 30/9/1942) see: Mike Cotton Sound/Lucas
Buddy Lucas see: Laura Nyro/Rascals
Jimmy Lucas see: Kris Ryan
Trevor Lucas (b. 25/12/1943 - d. 4/2/1989) see: Eclection/Fairport Convention/Trevor Lucas/Paul McNeill
Sean Lucey see: Dixies
Peter Lucia (b. 2/2/1947 - d. 6/1/1987) see: Tommy James And The Shondells
Mick Lucket see: Me & Them
Jim Luckston see: Lion Tamers
Larry Luddecke see: Far Cry
Rainer Ludicke see: Rebels
Frank Lugo (b. 15/3/1947) see: ? (Question Mark) And The Mysterians
Will Luikinga see: Roek's Family
Bob Luiten see: Buffoons
Tony Luizza see: Hobbits
Chris Luke see: Forerunners
Endore'e Luke see: Strawberry Children
Peter Lulis see: Wool
Lulu (b. 3/11/1948) see: Lulu
Alan Lumsden see: Shirley & Dolly Collins
Ken Lundgren (d. 10/2019) see: Carter, Lewis/Outlaws
Rick Lunetta see: Dirty Blues Band
Lindsay Luney see: College Boys
Donal Lunny (b. 10/3/1947) see: Emmet Spiceland
Ken Lunt see: Zuider Zee
Don Lusher see: Savoy Brown/Terry Smith
William Lutton (b. 1946) see: Eire Apparent
Kaz Lux (b. 7/1/1948) see: Brainbox
Tato Luzardo (b. 29/7/1944 - d. 5/3/2010) see: Los Canarios
Bobby Lyle see: John Ylvisaker
Joy Lyle see: Nilsson
Tom Lyle see: Lothar & The Hand People
Steve Lyman see: S R C
Roger Lymn (b. 23/2/1944) see: Midnight Shift
Andy Lynch see: Barley Bree/Factotums
Brian Lynch see: Greenbeats
Jim Lynch see: Justin Hayward
Lee Lynch (b. 8/9/1937 - d. 22/7/2012) see: Lee Lynch And The Blue Angels
Mike Lynch see: Money
Peter Lynch (b. 28/11/1941) see: Chris Lamb And The Universals
Steve Lynch see: Dixies
Terry Lynch see: Jeannie And The Big Guys
Willie Lynch see: Deep Set
Barbara Lynn (b. 16/1/1942) see: Barbara Lynn
Brian Lynn-Dowell see: Size Seven Group
Sue Lynne see: Sue Lynne
Jackie Lynton (b. 27/2/1940) see: Jackie Lynton
Pete Lynton see: Denny Mitchell Soundsations
Rod Lynton see: Rupert's People/Sweet Feeling
Ernie Lyons see: Lyons And Malone
Leo Lyons (b. 30/11/1943) see: Ten Years After
James Lyons (b. 31/1/1949 - d. 25/9/2006) see: Music Explosion
John Lyons (b. 5/10/1943) see: Tony Rivers And The Castaways
Ralph Lyons see: Derrick And The Sounds
Vic Lythgoe see: Cuppa T
John Lytle see: Harlem Speakeasy
Paul Lytton (b. 8/3/1947) see: White Noise
Len Lytwyn see: Dee And The Quotum